Ombra delle mura
Last Sunday our friend Walter Massa of Vigneti Massa (www.callmewine.com) invited us to Cittadella di Padova for the event “Ombre delle mura” (www.ombradellemura.it).
Remarkable participation of people in a very successful event, held at CACC, Cittadella Art and Culture Center (www.cacc.it). People really liked our Pignoletto Frizzante and Superiore Zigant, and our Ben Ti Voglio wine, vintage 2015, and vintage 2000.
But the wines that raised more interest were Castelzola red 2012 and white 2011, and as usual, Corrado 2012.
We should apologize with the so many experienced and expert people who could not taste our wines, because we finished the 18 bottles we had brought in only 2 hours, but we could not expect that in Veneto our wines would be so successful. We promise that next year we will be more prepared and bring more wines!
Cesare Corazza